Free Access
J. Phys. IV France
Volume 122, December 2004
Page(s) 217 - 221

J. Phys. IV France 122 (2004) 217-221

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2004122033

Thermodynamic characterisation of Dppc/Polylysine derivatives mixed monolayers

J. Remenyí1, F. Reig2, P. Sospedra3, A. Ortiz3 and F. Hudecz1

1  Research Group for Peptide Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Science, Ëotvös L. University, PO. Box 32, 1518 Budapest 112, Hungary
2  Peptides Department, Institut for Biological and Environmental Chemistry, Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
3  Physicochemical Department, Faculty Pharmacy, University Barcelona, Pza. Puis XII, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Mixed monolayer of DPPC and a daunomycin-polylysine conjugate, based on a (poly[Lys-(DL-Alam-Glui)] (EAK) core with daunomycin molecules attached through the acid labile cis-aconytil moiety, were studied and thermodynamic parameters associated to this interaction calculated. The same experiments were carried out in parallel with plain polymer and the results obtained indicate that the presence of Daunomycin attached to the lateral chains of polymer backbone modifies the overall surface characteristics of these derivatives.

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