Free Access
Application des modèles de Langmuir et Freundlich aux isothermes d'adsorption des métaux lourds par l'argile purifiée
J. Phys. IV France, 122 (2004) 229-234
Each year since 1975, the JEEP conference gather scientists and industrials interested in both theoretical and applied aspects of phase equilibria and coming from varied fields such as chemistry, material science, environment, pharmaceutics or process engineering.
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Free Access
Application des modèles de Langmuir et Freundlich aux isothermes d'adsorption des métaux lourds par l'argile purifiéeJ. Phys. IV France, 122 (2004) 229-234
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Free Access
Historique en grandes enjambées de la thermodynamique de l’équilibreJ. Phys. IV France, 122 (2004) 3-20
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Open Access
Study of the thermal behavior of syndiotactic and atactic polystyrene by Raman spectroscopyPublished online: 05 October 2011
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Open Access
Thermal treatment of moroccan phosphogypsumMATEC Web of Conferences, 3 (2013) 01030
Published online: 01 July 2013
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Open Access
Thermodynamic description of the Gallium-Lanthanum binary systemPublished online: 05 October 2011
XXXIX JEEP – 39th Edition of the Joint European Days on Equilibrium Between Phases
N. David, J.-N. Jaubert and R. Privat (Eds.)
XXXVII JEEP – 37th Conference on Phase Equilibria
M. Ferriol, M. Cochez and M. Aillerie (Eds.)
M. Lomello, S. Beauquis, C. Durand, Ph. Galez (Eds.)